Hemorrhoid Banding

Hemorrhoids affect about 1 in 20 Americans, men and women alike, but there’s an increasing risk as you get older. While many people are embarrassed to talk about hemorrhoids, it’s important to feel confident in getting help from the professionals at Digestive & Liver Health Specialists. They have years of experience treating hemorrhoids, including hemorrhoid banding, which is done quickly and easily in the office.

Hemorrhoid banding

What causes hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids develop when the veins around your anus or in your rectum become inflamed and swollen. The veins tend to become enlarged and susceptible to swelling when they’re exposed to pressure.

Sources of hemorrhoid-causing pressure include sitting on the toilet too long, straining when you’re constipated, lifting heaving objects, pregnancy, and a low-fiber diet.

What symptoms develop due to hemorrhoids?

There are two types of hemorrhoids, and each has different symptoms:

Internal Hemorrhoids

These hemorrhoids develop from the veins lining the inside of your anus or lower rectum. Their primary symptom is very noticeable: bright red blood that’s on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl after having a bowel movement. Internal hemorrhoids seldom cause other symptoms unless pressure forces them through the anal opening, and then they can cause pain.

External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids arise from the veins under the skin around your anus. They typically cause pain and itching, especially when you’re sitting. You may also have a hard lump near your anus. These hemorrhoids may develop a blood clot, which causes sudden, severe pain.

What is hemorrhoid banding?

Hemorrhoid banding is a procedure to treat internal hemorrhoids by tying them at the base with rubber bands. As the rubber bands cut off blood flow, the hemorrhoid shrinks and falls off in about a week. The scar that forms prevents the nearby veins from protruding into the anal canal.

How is hemorrhoid banding performed?

Your provider at Digestive & Liver Health Specialists uses a specialized instrument that holds the hemorrhoid while placing the rubber band around the bottom of the vein.

In most cases, several hemorrhoids are treated at one time. If you have more that need banding, they’re done 4-6 weeks apart.

You should expect to have some minor tightness for 24-48 hours, and you may have a feeling of fullness in your lower abdomen, but patients respond differently following hemorrhoid banding. Most patient get back to their normal activities right away.

Hemorrhoid banding is the most widely used treatment for internal hemorrhoids, while external hemorrhoids typically need surgical removal.

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